Veterans Day - Promo Code MILITARY15

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I Just Want My Pants Back

Watch this clip:

Like it? That's fine. You're an adult. But do you like it enough to watch it with a 12 year-old? MTV thinks you should. 

I Just Want My Pants Back is the latest attempt by MTV to parlay a lifestyle of drunken hook-ups into the living room of minors. But in all fairness (I am no prude), if adults want to complain about finding lost clothing because of a poorly-planned indiscretion, have at it. They are adults. They can do whatever (and, er, whomever) they want to.

But here’s where Watchdog Mom gets irritated: MTV is advertising this show to 12 year olds.  Don’t believe me? MTV’s head-honcho himself, the head of programming, David Janollari, is on the record saying the network is targeting kids as young as 12 with the content:

            “The idea is to reach out to the 12-34-year-old demo at a level that relates to them.”

Janollari and the rest at MTV want to intentionally target pre-teens and teens with a TV-14 rating. The episodes introduce a foursome, and a woman asking a man to insert his finger into her rectum during intercourse. 

If you agree this content is inappropriate for children of any age, please take action now by contacting the sponsors, Dr. Pepper, T-Mobile, and Toyota. Ask them if alcohol-fueled sexual foursomes and a woman who wants finger up her a**’ are an accurate reflection of their mission statement.  

Click here now to take action.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Graphic Anti-Abortion Ad During Superbowl XLVI?

Democratic prez hopeful Randall Terry is taking brilliant advantage of this coming Sunday and the millions of people who will be glued to their televisions. His message: Abortion is murder. Much unlike the wildly controversial but quite tasteful and moving Tebow/Focus on the Family commercial which aired last year, Terry is instead opting for shock value. Not that I blame him; the amount of dough he’s dropped to air these commercials leave little time for pontificating.

The ad will show aborted babies. Their teeny bloodied hands and feet are unmistakably human, and it drives home what Terry is trying to tell the public: He thinks abortion is murder, and he wants it stopped.

It’s not his message which gives me pause. On a personal note, and one completely separate from the work I do with the non-partisan Parents Television Council, I am also pro-life. The horrific images shown in his commercial are real, and it happens every minute of every day. But broadcast television is simply not the platform he should be using for his message. Yes, the abortion industry is shrouded in deception and untruths, and I appreciate the factual message Terry wants to send people. However, the method he's using is cursory, at best. Millions of children and families will be watching the Superbowl on Sunday and these images are simply not appropriate. Whether scripted or real, broadcast television must be safe for ALL viewers. Also, the pro-life message will be ignored if people are polarized and demonized.

Terry has purchased ad space in the following markets:

Arkansas: Fort Smith/Rogers
Colorado: Denver, Colorado Springs/Pueblo, Grand Junction
Hawaii: Hilo, Honolulu, Wailuku
Illinois: Quincy
Indiana: Fort Wayne
Maine: Bangor, Portland
Minnesota: Minneapolis
Missouri: Kansas City, Joplin, Ottumwa, St. Joseph, St. Louis, Springfield
Nevada: Elko
North Dakota: Fargo
Ohio: Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Lima, Steubenville, Toledo, Youngstown, Zanesville
Oklahoma: Oklahoma City, Tulsa
South Dakota: Sioux Falls
Texas: Amarillo, Wichita Falls
Utah: Salt Lake City
Source: (

The FCC just ruled that station managers have the right to refuse ads by political candidates during the Superbowl. That could mean massive cancellations across the board. If you see the ad on Sunday, head over to Watchdog Mom's Facebook page and let people know what you thought.

I'll be watching, leerily, like I always do on Superbowl Sunday. Except this just may be the first live television show where I'll have more faith in Madonna's performance than anyone else's.