Channel One News is a 'school-safe' news channel which informs teens on current world events and pop culture. It's free to schools, which means it's funded by a lot (LOT) of advertising. Earlier today I posed as an interested parent wanting to get Channel One in my school district. The reps at Channel One were very helpful, and informed me that they have many new things coming, including an interactive model geared towards grades as young as three, where kids can build their comprehension skills
Thank God for that. We all know that sending our kids to school to build academic skills is just an urban legend, really. Interactive whiteboards with a lot of advertising is what's necessary to up their IQs. The rep at Chanel One assured me that the interactive "Smart Boards" were a "really expensive" add-on service to the basic newscast, and some schools probably couldn't afford them. Was my district a part of that demographic? I almost hung up on him.
Most recently, Chanel One's heavily marketed website, (owned by Channel One's parent company, Alloy Media) showcased a porno-ish photo of Glee's Naya Rivera:

In bolded brackets next to Ms. Rivera's crotch is a warning for youngsters: "[Warning: They're all hot, but you prob shouldn't look at them at school and/or work!]" Then it encourages teens to run out and buy a copy of FHM to see more sexy photos.
Are you kidding me? My tax dollars are paying to fund this crap?
My love story with Channel One goes back to 2008. From 2007-2009, I headed the New Jersey Parents Television Council, and in 2008 I worked with a parents advocacy group who contacted me to go before their board of Ed in our town. Nutley, NJ, is a smallish suburb of Manhattan, and is home to down-home Italian families, football, manicured lawns, and a lot of involved, take-no-prisoners parents who were enraged by the prospect of Channel One invading their schools. While the Board listened politely to our case, it was a no-go on our end. Channel One soon found its way and its many ads into the hallways of Nutley schools.
Josh Golin with Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood writes a very good article on Channel One here. He urges parents to get involved, and this Watchdog Mama agrees.
Get in touch with your district and find out if they have Channel One. If they do, ask why. In the world of logic, there's absolutely no reason for kids to be bombarded with advertising and cheap pop culture while at school.
Hi Crystal, So good to find your blog. We need more and more voices speaking out against marketing and media that is harmful to our kids.
Have you seen this site?
Jim Metrock has been on his own fighting Channel One for about 15 years now.
Hi, Erin Yes I worked with Jim back in 2007/8. Great guy.
Thanks for stopping by! Love the work you're doing as well.
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