Outside of hiring an under-aged teen for an adult film, anything else come to mind? How about a gym membership?
This ad is for a national print and billboard ad for the swanky Equinox Gym franchise. Admittedly, sex sells in the advertising world. From Bratz Dolls to the completely untalented Kardashians, the crux of most successful advertising campaigns rests on sex. But Terry Richardson, the photographer for this campaign, really takes 'sexy' to a new low. Terry is the twisted talent behind the infamous and pedophilia-pushing Glee photo spread (see my news appearance discussing it here). Give the guy a Google (or Bing/Yahoo/et al, thank you SOPA/PIPA) and prepare your gag reflex.
Contact Equinox. Call them. Write on their Facebook Page. Let them know that if it's memberships they seek, perhaps a tamer approach might work better. Or even a healthier one. I mean, it's a health club for cripes' sakes, not an underground Ecstasy-fueled nightclub.
Me? I'm going to let them know that an anorexic and coked-up looking underage model doesn't make me think "treadmill". It makes me want to run in the opposite direction, to a gym where people don't look like she does.
I believe if you believe in your facility you don't need these sex ads. they all need to stop this kind of advertising to protect our children.
My response to Equinox:
To Whom It May Concern:
Re your practice of posting your exploitative ads outside of Kids Clubs in gyms where children often come with their parents….little children do not need to be exposed to your advertising. You say your ads are “edgy” and “inspiring.” I say they are nothing but porn.
These ads do not need to be posted on billboards either. Publish your “X” rated mess with those who crank it out for the perverts who seek after this stuff.
I am a teen myself, and it is harder than ever to go through high school in this generation. Most of the guys think girls are objects rather than human beings. Most of the girls think that they have to BE objects or else guys won't like them. I always take my stand against this, but so many people are already THOROUGHLY CONVINCED that sex is the only way. Equinox, thanks a lot for moving this corrupt message forward even further. I don't appreciate it, actually.
There is an Equinox billboard ad right near the freeway off ramp to my house. The models are in a sexual position on a couch. It offends me and I dislike the fact that my young children are exposed to it. I am calling them this morning to complain.
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