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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fox 9 Twin Cities

 My post last week on The Teen Choice Awards  was a hot one. Not that I had anything to do with it; I really didn't. All this Watchdog Mom did was present the facts.

The feedback is what made it so hot. People were (are) outraged, and rightly so. I  emailed a producer I've worked with before at our local Fox news affiliate, and she asked me to come on their evening show and discuss this current topic. This is my appearance discussing the awards and television how you, the consumer, can get involved:

(My thanks to the producers and Heidi Collins over at Fox 9 Twin Cities for asking me back. See my other clips on Fox 9 here.)

Want another way you can get involved?  Send  this link to as many people as you know. I even tiny'd it for you:

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